Human Development and Relationships
EDpuzzle Body Systems
Standard 3
The students will understand and respect self and others related to human development and relationships.
Objective 1
Summarize the functions of the skeletal and muscular systems.
Name the major body systems and their basic functions.
Describe the skeletal and muscular systems.
Ed Tech Standards: Standard 8
Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities.
The primary focus of this lesson is the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems including the 5 senses.
I will introduce my students to the body systems and their functions through Ed Puzzle. The systems we will be covering are: Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory, Skeleton, Muscular, and Nervous-including the 5 senses. All systems function together to make the human body function. We will discuss each system for 3 weeks two systems per week.
To begin the class I will ask my students some questions to get a base for their knowledge and understanding.
I will see how many systems they can generate on their own and fill in the gaps where necessary.
What is it called when a group of things function together as a whole?
Can you think of an example of a system?
Name the body systems? There are 10.
What do they do?
For each system, name some of its parts
What is it called when a group of things function together as a whole?
Can you think of an example of a system?
Name the body systems? There are 10.
What do they do?
For each system, name some of its parts
Activity #1
I will read the skeleton poem to my class.
I will have my students make a noodle skeleton. The students will label the major bones. They can name their skeleton and pose it how they want. These will be displayed in the hall.
Activity #2
This activity will be in steps. Each body system that is learned about my students will color and label the corresponding paper doll. Have the students fold the paper doll accordion then cut it out leaving one hand attached.
Paper Doll
Paper Doll
Activity #3
The students will be in six groups. One student will lay down on a piece of paper and have another trace their outline. Then the students will draw the body system they choose on their outline. I will encourage them to use color and do their best work.
Activity #4
I will ask students to revisit the questions that they answered before they did the online interactive activity. I will give my students five to ten minutes to do this and then have them share what they wrote down after doing the online interactive.
- What is it called when a group of things function together as a whole?
- Can you think of an example of a system? For that system, name some of its parts.
- What six body systems did you learn about in this lesson?